Rectifying an Excessive Vibration Issue in Shallow Foundation with Permeation Grouting: A Case Study
Large vibrating machines are integral part of industrial facility. This paper describes the case example of excessive vibration, encountered in one of the machine foundations in such facility, as well as the corresponding rectification works. This vibrating machine was built on shallow foundation sitting on compacted sand fill layer; the foundation self-weight is more than eight (8) times of the equipment weight. The block foundation dimension is about 7.0 x 1.7 x 1.7 m3. The vibrating machine frequency (which sits above the foundation) is 450 rpm, with a relatively large impulsive cyclic load. In this paper, firstly, the potential root cause of this vibration issue is explored. Thereafter, considerations for the rectification works are described; in this case, a permeation grouting technique, using low-viscosity cement grout is chosen. The work method for this ground improvement works, including the completion criteria are described. Post-improvement vibration measurement indicates that the measured vibration is within the accepted vibration limit, indicating a successful improvement work.

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